Friday, February 17, 2012

Do I, Don't I....

I've been struggling with this all day. Do I or Don't I post my before pic for this round and a comparison from last round, on my blog for the entire world to see?

My first thought? No fricking WAY!!! EVERYONE has access to it! It freaked me out to be honest. I have shared it in 2 private facebook groups I am a part of and gotten awesome comments, but I was still skeptical.

Then I sat down and really thought about it. I have to OWN it. This is what I look like. This is who I am currently. I can't hide from it. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing clothes, it can still be seen. Everyone knows that a woman at 131kgs is morbidly obese. Huge. Overweight. It's no surprise to anyone who reads this blog to see 'fat' pictures. So why hold back? Why don't I just show the pics and hopefully I can inspire and touch other people out there who are struggling. I can show people that it IS possible. You can be 163kgs+ and you CAN LOSE WEIGHT! You don't have to do anything crazy. No fad diets, no pills, and you don't HAVE to have surgery... it's not your only option. You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight. It really is as easy as it sounds.

So, here I am in all of my glory. I've got a long way to go yes, but my body is changing. I hope that these pics can help you understand where I've been, where I am, where I'm going and most importantly,  that weightloss, health and fitness is achieveable for ANYONE of any shape, size, gender, nationality, race etc etc etc. YOU CAN DO IT! Take my word for it... because I've done it and I'm going to keep doing it.

These photos show a 20kg difference. 150.7kgs - 131kgs. I don't have any 163kg underwear shots (thank goodness for that, hey!!)

                                            Sepetember 2011                      February 2012
Granny undies are PERFECT for those of us with baby belly hangover. These are the same underwear in both shots.... amazing to think that they couldn't even stretch over my stomach back in September.

So here it is. This is me. I'm not perfect, but I'm on my way.
Bring on this round. These pictures I will use daily to inspire me. I am NOT the 163kg (or 150.7kg) person I was 6 months ago. THIS IS ME NOW. I've worked hard, but not THAT hard.
Eat clean, Train mean and wave goodbye to that saggy baggy belly once and for all. This is my goal. I know I can do it!


  1. You're an inspiration! Onya Nicky! :)

  2. Firstly, more power to you for your honesty and bravery. Second, yay to you for how far you have come and the weight you've already lost (it has made such a difference. your face, your tummy, your boobs are even higher!!) Third, I can't wait to see what you do this round. Fantastic. Thank you.

  3. Well done you should be proud of your effort. It is a hard thing to share but at least you have a before and part way through. I am looking forward the same.

  4. Your inspiring, looking forward to the 110kg picture :)
    I Need to be brave and get my before picture out of the way. I envy you doing it "naturally" I have tried and failed so many times I am opting the "surgery" path.

  5. Amazing job Nicky!! I can see such a difference in you, and especially in your face and tummy. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration :D
