So it's no secret that my training sort of, died off over the Christmas Break. I hit a massive high with the completion of my first ever fun run.... a whole 15kms. Technically I didn't run the whole way, but the first 6.5kms of that fun run were mine and I conquered them. I was unsure of how I would go with the rest of the 15kms so decided to walk to make sure I made it.... which I did. I was so pleased with myself and was at the fittest I had been in years. Then came Christmas. All the PT sessions stopped for a few weeks, classes stopped, things took time off and here I was at home with tonnes of food and no real motivation to get out there.
I regret that now. I wish I had have trained harder and more often. I missed it like MAD!! My fitness has definitely suffered, but I know I can get back there again... and soon!
Last night was my first PT session for 2012. A double session and I LOVED it! It was hard and 4 weeks ago it would have been a session that didn't cause me too much grief, but having the time off has stuffed my fitness so I went as hard as I could and JFDI. I felt FANTASTIC afterwards. I had totally forgotten about that endorphin rush!
Tonight is my first netball training for the 2012 season. We have a new coach who knows nothing of my previous fitness levels, nothing of my 30kg weight loss. She will most likely see me as a very overweight, unfit chick attempting to keep up with everyone. I'm not silly, I know that I will struggle. While I've certainly gotten a hell of a lot fitter I'm still not up near the skinnies that play for our club. It will be at least 12 months before I get where they are. I'm hoping that it doesn't have too much of an affect on how this new coach views me and I hope she can see some skill behind the lycra. Time will tell.
As for everything else, I've managed to maintain my 30kg loss even with my sister's hens day and night and a couple of chip binge sessions. The way I eat and drink has certainly changed and it gives me hope that I will be able to live a full, happy, crappy food included on occasions life in the future.
50 weeks to lose 48 kgs. I'm going to do it!
ETA: Netball training completed. I didn't die which in itself is a miracle.
688 cals burnt in 58 mins. Avg HR 170. Max HR 197.... I was going hard. Still a way to go to keep up with all the skinny bitches, but I'm not too far behind. :)
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The test wasn't whether you could lose weight over christmas, the test was getting back to it once christmas was over! Well Done Nicky your doing a great job!