Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The ups, the downs, the highs, the lows.... my own personal theme park!

This whole journey is a real rollercoaster of emotions.
I've never really understood it all before. I just thought you lost weight until you were happy and then life went on. It really is a total overhaul of everything though. Change the way you eat, change the way you train, change the way you think and feel.

I'm riding that rollercoaster as best I can. I'm having the dips... some very small ones some much larger. I am finding that after the dips I'm hitting big highs though. I'm LOVING everything about the training. The food is really yummy and easy to prepare. The mindset - that is the hard part. Just when you think you've got it all sorted out of nowhere comes that little devil that sits on your shoulder, taunting you and urging you to do what you shouldn't. Sometimes that little devil catches you at a weak moment and you give in. Sometimes you are strong and alert enough to not give those evil thoughts another second of your time and you power through it and come out on top and stronger than before.
BUT even though you have those amazing. 'nothing can stop me now' moments, you WILL have those weaker ones. I can guarantee it! You can think that you've done so well that nothing can make you fail and when you least expect it BAM!

What you do when they hit is the key. How you react after you've indulged. Whether you let the evil win and take you over, or whether you banish it for the time being and kick some lifestyle ass. It's all in how you cope in those situations. Those little tests that we all have and will have. They are something that will continue to occur for the rest of your life. There will ALWAYS be temptation. It's not something you can ever get rid of.
Sometimes, it's great to give in to temptation. Let's face it - life is for living and being overly strict will only be an undoing.
Other times, the giving in to temptation will have you feeling terribly guilty. It will make you question why you bother? Why bother fighting it?

You fight because you are WORTH it. You fight because you know it's the right thing to do. You fight not only for you, but for the ones you love.

These situations will always be there. Now and forever. You have to ride the situations and accompanying emotions as best you can. You can scream and shout all you like. You can give in, but know that you HAVE to get right back on that rollercoaster and ride it all the way back to the top again.

I had a bad weekend. I don't have a decent excuse. Yes I had visitors. Yes I was so tired after training so hard on Saturday, looking after the kids and entertaining. Yes it's a little harder having the bad stuff in the house. But did someone else MAKE me eat it? Did someone force me at gun point to eat those 3 pieces of pizza? Was an IV of Coke placed in my hand while I was held down? NO! Noone else MADE me do any of this. It was my CHOICE. A choice that I should have realised at the time was a bad choice, but it was MY choice all the same.
Have I learnt from my mistakes? You bet I have! I have learnt that this is not going to be easy. That it's not all magically going to happen overnight. That I have to work HARD for it. I can't let my guard down for a second. It's not going to be easy, but it sure as heck is going to be worth it.

I got my backside right back on that 'wagon' and I'm back into it. I'm not hurting anyone but myself with this sabotage and what's the point in hurting myself? I'm worth so much more than that.

Just Fricking Do it! And, I am. ;)

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