Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weigh In Day Is My Favourite Day So Far!

So, as I've mentioned I started my preseason on August 15th. I didn't have scales to begin with but had an idea of what I weighed, having been weighed about 4 months ago. Well, clearly I was totally off!!
I've been seeing my PT twice a week and she's gone through a program doing similar and also being my weight before she was a PT, she knows how much my body will most likely burn.
Last night after training she commented that my legs were skinnier, and that I've most likely lost 10kgs since I started. I had a laugh... as if!!!! She was telling me about her bootcamp and girls my size dropping 5kgs a week at the start! That's insane (but I'd secretly LOVE to drop weight like that!).
Anyway, this morning the alarm went off at 6.30. I'd said last night that I was going for my hour walk before hubs heads to work. I hit the snooze button... just 5 more minutes. 30 seconds later I remembered it was weigh in day, so I jumped out of bed, ran to the loo and then to my scales.
Wouldn't you know it.... I've lost 2.1kgs since my very first weigh in on Saturday morning!! My scales read 150.7kgs). WOOHOO!!!  It really IS working!!!! Proudly I dressed and took off for my walk - 432 calories burnt. The other 68 I will burn on my walk to the letterbox and back and then I'll burn some more running after the kids at playgroup today (not that I will measure it!).

So I've had a good think about what my PT said during my walk this morning. If I can lose 2.1kgs in 4 days with only 2 days of exercise and a night out to the pub for dinner.... then it is most likely that I have in fact lost 10kgs since August 15th. WOW! 10 kgs down! That was my initial 12 week goal!
I've since changed that to 20 kgs from Next Wednesday. Cannot wait to give it a crack!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! you are making awesome progress :) I bet you'll surprise yourself - in the best way - a few times in the program if you keep at it and stay positive! sounds like you've got a great PT too!
